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what we believe

We are a community that believes what is taught in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. We believe the Bible to be God’s own Word, which describes how God has worked in history to bring hope and reconciliation to all creation.


The message of the Bible can be summed in three key words: creation, fall, redemption. God is the creator of all that exists. Everything was made good and reveals the wonder and power of God. The evil and suffering we experience in this world comes through the fall of humanity into sin – that is, defying God and His ways for life. Redemption, liberation from this fall in sin has come through Jesus, God’s Son, who through his death, resurrection, rise to heaven and the gift of the Spirit has brought hope for this creation. Our hope is to see justice and full restoration when Jesus comes again. We believe we are forgiven and become a disciple of Jesus is by grace,

through faith alone.


Hope in the Hills Christian Church is a member of the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia (CRCA). Our understanding of what the Bible teaches is summarised in the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort and the Westminster Confession. All of these documents and further information about our denomination can be found on the CRCA website.

our ministry team:

Hope in the Hills Christian Church is led by a team of elders, deacons and congregational representatives who are endorsed by the church community. The key role of the Leadership Team is to guide the vision and direction of the church, oversee pastoral care and teaching and ensure church members are equipped for their ministry roles. They represent Jesus amongst his people, guiding and caring through his Word.

Glenn Dekker
Kerryl Sugumar

Children, Youth and Families Worker

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